React Native Romania Traffic Fine

React Native Romania Traffic Fine

Traffic Fine Romania

Find out the latest changes regarding traffic fines

Traffic Fine is a new application that offers the user the possibility to search and check details related to a traffic fine.

When you received a traffic fine, you sat and wondered if you were properly sanctioned, but now you have the opportunity to check this immediately.

You can immediately check and search for the sanction/article/letter/point from several laws such as:

  • penalties and fines that apply to taxis
  • sanctions and contraventions that apply to alternative transport or rideshare
  • sanctions and contraventions that apply to pedestrians
  • sanctions and contraventions that apply in case of an accident
  • penalties and fines that apply to cyclists, scooters and mopeds
  • sanctions and contraventions that apply with regard to the ruin
  • sanctions and contraventions that apply to road transport and rest periods

I can find out the following about each traffic fine:

  • the law from which it originates
  • the content of the law that provides plus the article, paragraph, point or letter
  • the content of the law by which the sanction is imposed plus the article, paragraph, point or letter
  • the amount of the fine
  • penalty points, if applicable
  • other complementary measures, if necessary

The Traffic Fine application is in continuous development and will be updated whenever the content or changes to these laws change.