
A collection of 4 post

Complete useRef() hook with live code examples

What’s up with hook? returns an object with a property. This property gets the initial value of the argument passed to useRef hook. The reference to object will persist from render to render. Is useRef hook used only for accessing Document Object Model(DOM) elements? No, useRef hook can also be…

Custom react hooks using useEffect

Here is the working example. Ever wonder how to create a custom react hook using useEffect? In the following steps we will discuss more about this subject. First, let’s start by creating our custom hook: In the code above we are creating an effect which will be called when either counter or maxValue…

React and ApolloGraphQL for a basic TodoApp

Here is the live version on codesandbox Table of Contents Table of Contents What is graphql? Intro Install prerequisites Remove boilerplate code Code Entry point (index.js) Queries Components TodoList.js TodoCreate.js TodoLike.js Conclusion What is GraphQL? Simple, a query language used to define an…

Get started with RabbitMQ using ReactJS

Achieve an easy app that sums up two numbers using a RabbitMQ queue. Before starting this post I advise that you should have already complete the RabbitMQ starting tutorial. 1. Complete the task using only javascript: That’s all it takes to complete an easy task like adding up two numbers.…