Differences between var let and const in javascript

What are those var let and const keywords in javascript? Well, they are use to define variables. Lets take every one of them and discuss more: 1. Var This keyword was used from the beginnings of javascript, but it had some weird behaviour. Example: What do you think about the code above? If you are…

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Array.map() function in javascript

What does map() function of Array in javascript do? Simple, the map function creates a new array with the results of calling a callback for every element in the array. Example: //mulyiply every element by 2 and create a new array with the newly created elements //Result? multipliedArrayBy2 will have…

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Mocking NGRX store for easy testing your angular components

If you want to test your angular components and you are using redux with some selectors, then you’ll surely need @reibo/ngrx-mock-test How to use it? First, install as a development depenancy with Second, initialize the package and import it in your tests: Final step, get the store and dispatch and…

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CSS Scan or an easiest way to inspect and copy CSS

CSS Scan or how you can easily copy any css by the speed of light Get it here. What is CSS Scan? Just as the name suggest, it’s an tool which can be used to copy CSS from other websites so you don’t need to open the inspector to learn how something it’s actually coded. Just click and element and…

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Backend part with ExpressJS, GraphQL and MongoDB for a basic Todo app

Backend is here Here is the live version on codesandbox Table of Contents Table of Contents What is graphql? Intro Install prerequisites Remove boilerplate code Code Entry point (index.js) Queries Components TodoList.js TodoCreate.js TodoLike.js Conclusion What is GraphQL ? Simple, a query language…

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