React and ApolloGraphQL for a basic TodoApp

Here is the live version on codesandbox Table of Contents Table of Contents What is graphql? Intro Install prerequisites Remove boilerplate code Code Entry point (index.js) Queries Components TodoList.js TodoCreate.js TodoLike.js Conclusion What is GraphQL? Simple, a query language used to define an…

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Using NodeJS streams

What is stream? A stream is a sequence of elements that become available over time. You can process chunks of a big file without loading the whole file at once into memory. In streams are a core feature and understanding them is a good way to make your life easier as a NodeJS developer. NodeJS…

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Superb angular particle effect for Angular 7

Particle effects on buttons for Angular 7 I’ve been developing this nice directive with particle effects that is mostly used on buttons Angular 7. Here is the link to npm package. So, basically you just need to add the selector to your desired DOM element that needs to be animated with particle…

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Remove subfolder with specific name in linux

Remove specific subfolder in linux Sometimes it happens that you just have to delete a subfolder that is duplicated in multiple folders. You can also go folder by folder and try  or you can just use find, exec and then rm, like so: find -type d -name node_modules -exec rm -rf {} \; I’ve used…

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Registering Providers in Angular 6

Now, in angular 6 there is no need to do that and you can use the new providedIn property of @Injectable decorator:

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